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Creating Offline Package

K2s Offline Package

K2s provides support for creating an offline installation package1.

No K2s cluster must be installed in order to create an offline package.

To inspect various parameter options, run:

Bash Session
<repo>\k2s.exe system package -h

To create a fully offline-capable install package, set the --for-offline-installation flag:

Bash Session
<repo>\k2s.exe system package -d <path-to-output-packe>.zip --for-offline-installation

When running the aforementioned command and no K2s variant has been installed on the current system yet, the Development-Only Variant will be installed in order to create an offline package (which requires an internet connection). If all dependencies are already available locally due to prior installation of K2s, the offline package creation does not require internet connection.

Offline Package Creation Diagram
graph TD
    CallScript["'c\k\smallsetup\helpers\Buildk2sZipPackage.ps1\n [-Proxy myProxy]\n -TargetDirectory myExistingDirectory\n -ZipPackageFileName\n [-ForOfflineInstallation]'"] --> if_for_offline{for offline\n installation?}
    if_for_offline -->|no| AddBaseImageToExclusionList("Include c\k\bin\Kubemaster-Base.vhdx to exclusion list")
    if_for_offline -->|yes| if_baseImage_available{"c\k\bin\Kubemaster-Base.vhdx\n exists?"}
    if_baseImage_available -->|yes| GetFilesAndDirectories
    if_baseImage_available -->|no| BuildAndProvisionKubemasterBaseImage
    AddBaseImageToExclusionList --> GetFilesAndDirectories
    BuildAndProvisionKubemasterBaseImage("Build and provision base image") --> GetFilesAndDirectories
    GetFilesAndDirectories("Get a list with all files and directories") --> FilterByExclusionList
    FilterByExclusionList("Remove files and directories from list according to exclusion list") --> CreateZipPackage
    CreateZipPackage("Create zip package") --> PopulateZipPackage("Populate zip package with directories and files")


Omitting the --for-offline-installation flag will effectively bundle only repository source files similar to the K2s Releases.

Addons Offline Package

To enable addons without an internet connection being available, the required binaries can be exported to an offline package as well.

Addons Export

To inspect all export options, run:

Bash Session
k2s addons export -h

Either specify one or more addons to export:

Bash Session
k2s addons export traefik registry -d <export-output-directory>

Or export all addons:

Bash Session
k2s addons export -d <export-output-directory>

Addons Import

To inspect all export options, run:

Bash Session
k2s addons import -h

Either specify one or more addons to import from the offline package:

Bash Session
k2s addons import traefik registry -z <directory-containing-addons-archive>\

Or import all addons from the offline package:

Bash Session
k2s addons import -z <directory-containing-addons-archive>\


Importing a specific addon from the offline package does obviously not work when this package does not contain the specified addon.

After importing an addon, it can be enabled without internet connection being available.

  1. Creating of and installing from an offline package is currently supported for Host Variant and Development-Only only.